Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Erik Darnell Changes Name to Erik DAMNell

In an attempt to jump-start his stalled racing career, former "Roush Racing: Driver X" star Erik Darnell has legally changed his name by deed poll to Erik DAMNell.

"That's capital D, capital A, capital M, capital N, buddy!", said an unusually intense DAMNell shortly after the change became official. "I don't care what that judge said, this is NOT the stupidest thing he's ever heard of!

"Whitney Motorsports is gonna take over the NASCAR world, man! We don't have any pesky sponsors to waste our time on, so we can focus on what's really important--qualifying!"

The driver--who, before the name change was a member of the Reggie Cleveland All-Stars--has taken to giving fans the "finger-gun" hand motion, and is wearing those weird sunglasses that wrap over the head, not the sides.

DAMNell added, "This is just like when Ted Musgrave became Mad-Dog Musgrave--we're gonna shock the world!"

DAMNell's first race after the name change started in Row 20, then ended after 7 laps due to a "X-TREEM vibration".

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